Craig Willinger Fund hosting 6th Annual Craig Willinger FootGolf Classic at Carroll Park Golf Course

BALTIMORE, MD – The Craig Willinger Fund (CWFund) will host the 6th Annual Craig Willinger FootGolf Classic on Saturday, September 26, 2020 at the Craig Willinger Memorial FootGolf Course at Carroll Park Golf Course in Baltimore, MD.

This year’s event features a modified format to accommodate social distancing safety guidelines for staff, volunteers, and participants. Registration is $100 per foursome and includes a scheduled tee time, 12-pack of beer, and a goody bag. For more information and to register, visit

The Craig Willinger Fund, formed in 2009, seeks to improve the lives of children and young adults stricken with cancer by providing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to experience world-class soccer—both domestically and abroad. Since 2010, fourteen honorees have traveled to South Africa, Barcelona, Milan, London, Madrid, New York City, Kansas City, Washington D.C., Manchester (UK), Leiceister (UK), and Brazil, including two World Cup tournaments and a UEFA Champions League Final. Visit for more information.


Emily Agueda