Craig Willinger Fund named official charity partner of A.C. Milan Junior Camps

BALTIMORE, MD – The Craig Willinger Fund has been declared a charity partner of the A.C. Milan Junior Camps. This is not the first partnership between this venture, managed by the Italian Soccer Academy (ITSA) and Stepstone Enterprises (SSE), and the Craig Willinger Fund. These organizations have hosted past CWFund honorees on dream trips to San Siro Stadium in 2011 and 2016.

“Eddie Marles, ITSA, and SSE have helped the CWFund host life-changing opportunities for two past honorees,” said CWFund board chairperson Emily Agueda. “It is long-term commitments like this from the A.C. Milan Junior Camps and the international soccer community that help solidify the CWFund’s mission into the future.”

The Craig Willinger Fund seeks to improve the lives of children and young adults stricken with cancer by providing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to experience world-class soccer—both domestically and abroad. Since 2010, honorees have traveled to South Africa, Barcelona, Milan, London, Madrid, New York City, Manchester, and Brazil, including events like the FIFA World Cup and the UEFA Champions League Final. Learn more about supporting the all-volunteer efforts of the Craig Willinger Fund at



Emily Agueda